Dating & Relationships: What Couples MUST Do

Dating & Relationships: What Couples MUST Do

Here is a little summary of my first five articles on the Ten Commandments of Love. The rest are yet to come. Hopefully you will read the first five and look forward to the rest. Afterall your relationship may depend on it!

The Ten Commandments Of Love #1- The Best Friend-

There is definitely a fine line between accepting and caring for your partner’s best friend, and being let’s say “Overly” friendly. I have seen many a couple in trouble, and sometimes even break up because of this mistake. Check out my article and see where to draw the line, and how to keep your relationship safe form the “Best Friend”.

The Ten Commandments Of Love #2- Old Flames-

This one’s a hot one. Old love interests can cause more trouble than a bull in a china shop. It’s seems many couples often face this dilemma. You want to be honest, but how much do you say about the old flame without making your new love interest think you’re still carrying a torch? Do you ever go and see an old flame when you’re in a new relationship? Read my article and find out how not to get burned when it comes to your old flame!

The Ten Commandments of Love #3- Holidays-

His house, my apartment, his parents, my parents, what’s a person to do? First of all
NEVER under any circumstances do you say the heck with it all and abandon your love interest on a holiday just to make everyone else happy. There is a way to work it all out. Don’t get me wrong, somebody may end up unhappy with the plans, but it won’t be you and your honey! Check out this article and find out what to do with all those holidays, and how to keep them enjoyable, and most importantly save your relationship!

The Ten Commandments Of Love #4- Standing Up For One Another-

In my opinion this one is the most important. I believe if you don’t have this, you have nothing. The world can be a cold and cruel place sometimes. What a person has to have, is a partner that will stand up, and stand by them, No Matter What! You wouldn’t believe just how many couples don’t have this. Check out this article and see why it’s so very important to have a woman who stands by her man, and a man who stands up for his woman! This one’s a must!!

The Ten Commandments Of Love # 5- Your Kids, My Kids-

Oh boy, there’s nothing like trying to blend a family when both partners have kids. In my opinion it’s like a trip on the insanity train. However, these kids do exist, and there has to be a sensible way of putting it all together. Check out this article and find out the most important thing that you can do to make the transition easier, and most importantly keep your relationship from being destroyed by My Kids,Your Kids!

Well I hope you enjoy these first five in a series of ten articles. Hopefully they will make a positive difference in your relationship. You know what they say, a little knowledge goes a long way!

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