Do’s and Don’t’s for the First Date
The first date can make or break a relationship. It can be the best night of your life and the start of a life long relationship or a horrible disaster and will forever be the story she tells her friends at parties for a laugh. Make sure you are not the punchline. There are some ways to ensure your date will be a success, even if it doesn’t lead to marriage it will at least stop you from being an embarrassing story that she tells for years to come. Here is a list of Do’s and Dont’s to calm the first date nerves:
Do compliment how she looks when you first see her. Don’t use words like ‘sexy’ or ‘hot’ instead opt for, beautiful or even a simple “you look really nice.” It’ll go a long way.
Do give her options. Don’t force her to choose every decision. Don’t just ask her where she wants to go, give her options, ask her whether she’d prefer this place or that. Better yet, make plans beforehand and decide on the place yourself, and ask her whether she’d like to go for a walk after, or grab some dessert from the fro-yo place down the street.
Do ask her questions. Don’t ask personal questions. Girls love when you ask questions but not when you’re asking them why their dad left or why they’re emotionally unavailable. Ask questions like “what is your favourite movie?” “what do you do for work?” any question that’s not going to make her uncomfortable is a good one.
Do act casual. Don’t act uninterested to appear casual. There’s a clear line; if you turn up in your fat pants and stained shirt she’s gonna know you don’t want to be there. Put in some effort into your appearance, the location and the conversation.
Do spend money. Don’t go over the top. In this day and age, women don’t expect to always be spoiled with luxurious meals and designer gifts. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make the date special, but a little does show you care. Give her some flowers at the beginning of the date and split the bill. Take her on a picnic, you don’t have to pay for overpriced wine and steak, all you need is some sandwiches and strawberries to make it special.
Do talk about yourself. Don’t only talk about yourself. Girls want to learn more about you, that’s why they’re on the date, but make sure you ask her questions and appear interested in her. Keep information about you short and to the point, and make sure to end with a question. If she asks you about your family, answer the question in a bit of detail, and then ask her about her family
Do attempt to find common interests. Don’t agree with everything she says. Its good to find something in common with your date, but changing aspects of you who are to find a common ground is a definite don’t.It is more important to be yourself than to tell her that you also love to go to museums in your spare time and love the works of some obscure artist.
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