How to Flirt

Choose Your Target
You don’t need to have a crush on someone to flirt with them. Practice flirting with random people you see every day in everyday situations to improve your skills. This way, you’ll have some flirting experience when you approach the person you want to flirt with. The supermarket, waiting in line at Starbucks, it doesn’t matter where.

Have an Opening Line
You need a reason to talk. If you’re in a classroom situation, just go up to them with a question about a class, an assignment or any excuse to start a coversation. If they’re behind you at a gig, ask about the band. Use your imagination. It really doesn’t matter what you say, you just need a reason to start a conversation. This will get easier and easier, the more you practice it. Just ask or say anything to start a conversation.

Make Eye Contact
Women love eye contact. Some men don’t quite know how to take it, but at least they know you are interested. It shows you are interested are are paying attention to them. Guys, resist the urge to stare at their boobs. They know where you are looking….Its like a sixth sense.  If you have to sneak a look later, but never while you are talking to her.
Compliment them on something…anything.
Choose anything you like about the way they look –  hair, smile, their eyes, maybe something they are wearing. Tell them in a nice way how that you like it. Now guys use your brains here and don’t say nice boobs, you have great legs, or anything crass like this. Sometimes this will work but almost never.  Girls, guys are often not used to being complimented so maybe something more generic like their clothing, their skateboard or something.

Smile when you go up to them and smile often during your conversation. If they smile back at you, you know that they might be interested. If not…well….
Flirt With Your Body
Its not what you say, but how you say it. Your body language is more important than the words you use. Good posture, lean in towards the person and if it seems to be going well, then try to find excuses to touch them. Not grope them guys, just a quick touch on the arm, a knee to knee touch if you are both sitting down, a palm lightly on the back as you guide them around an obstacle.

Make it Fun
Talk about something fun and interesting. Never anything negative unless in a lighthearted sort of way…this band is crap or whatever. Of course she may love the band. But if you say it with a smile, you can still rebound from saying the wrong thing easily. Avoid politics, religion and sex. Be lighthearted and not serious. You are flirting.
Awkward Silence
As soon as the conversation drags, chances are things are not going to improve. However she might just be shy. Keep going for a time at least.  Fill an awkward silence by asking questions. Any question. A question will elicit a response even if it is just a yes or no or heaven forbid a get lost. The ultimate goal here is to ask questions that require more then just a yes or no answer to keep the conversation going. You will soon get the hang of it.

Keep it short.
If you’re not interested in talking further, politely make some excuse to leave. If you are interested, give them a way to get in touch with you – like your mobile number or Facebook name. Better still get their details of course as maybe they will never get back to you. Best if you are in the driving seat here.
Like anything, you will get better the more you do it. Don’t write yourself after your first dismal attempt. Pick yourself up and try again. Remember the past does not equal the future. Just because you have failed before does not mean you will fail the next time. It’s not as scary as you think. What really is the worst that can happen? Most people will not be rude to your face or show you up in front of everyone. They will make it clear they are not interested by body language or short answers hoping you will take the hint and move along. The more practice you have the better you will be for the one that really counts.

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One Response to How to Flirt

  1. Jess says:

    Good dating site guys. Keep up the good work.

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