Are Your Girlfriends Hurting Your Dating Chances?

Are Your Girlfriends Hurting Your Dating Chances?

You love your girlfriends. They’re fun; they’re trendy. They are your security blanket. But if you’ve noticed that your romantic life has suffered a little dip, take a closer look at the time you are spending with your gal pals. It may not be a coincidence that you are less lucky in love if your girlfriends happen to be soaking up a good deal of your social time. There certainly is nothing wrong with leaning on your female friends. But in order to have a balanced, healthy social life you might do well to draw some personal boundaries. You don’t have to ditch your BFFs; but it might help to take note of some of these friendship hazards.

Bad Advice

Be mindful of the circumstances under which you ask your best gal pals for romantic advice. This can be a very tricky area to navigate–especially if your friends are particularly biased in any direction. Understand that while your friends have your best interest at heart, it may be difficult for them to be as objective as they need to be when considering how you should deal with an issue. You should also note that if you are complaining about the same problems repeatedly, they may begin to grow weary of the psychologist role.

Breaking from the Pack

Read any men’s publication and you’ll find out that many guys are hesitant to approach one woman who happens to be flanked by three or four of her girlfriends. This is because it is increasingly difficult to get to know one person on an intimate level when there are so many other people around. They are also aware of the fact that some women may not take too kindly to not being “chosen” by the handsome man who has approached the group. In short, it is much less intimidating to strike up a casual conversation with a woman when she has separated herself from the pack. Cut the BFF apron strings and you’ll probably find it easier to meet men.

Solo Adventures

Nightclubs and lounges are not the only places to meet single men. As such, reconsider some of the casual places that you typically visit with your girlfriends. For example, shopping, which is considered the uber-female experience, might be more enjoyable when done alone. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t enjoy shopping trips with your lady friends. Just remember that men go shopping too-or at the very least-frequent places where they’re certain to encounter women who go shopping. Take the plunge and enjoy venues in your town by yourself. Sometimes seeing the sights with a fresh pair of eyes can enhance your views on other aspects of life. Your gal pals are terrific. But it is far too easy to inaccurately “measure” the quality of your social life by comparing it to that of your BFFs.

Too Much “Girl-Talk”

Women also fail to realize that they greatly benefit from learning how to establish and maintain friendships with men. Your social life will benefit greatly if you take an occasional break from the ladies, to hang out with the fellas. Remember that spending time with men doesn’t always have to lead to a romantic encounter. Meeting new men and keeping them as platonic friends has tons of amazing benefits. Experiencing life from a man’s perspective may also help you to solve some of your own personal crises. Engaging in a little “man-talk” from time to time may just give your love life the boost it needs.

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