Helpful Tips for Guys on Getting Their Dating Profile Noticed


Helpful Tips for Guys on Getting Their Dating Profile Noticed

One of the things that you need to focus on if you want to have a successful online dating experience is your dating profile. Your dating profile is the first thing that people see. They decide whether they want to get to know someone better by looking at the profile. This is why it is important to craft your online dating profile properly. A great dating profile will help you attract girls who want to know you better because they find your profile interesting. This is the first step to having a successful online dating experience. The rest will be up to your conversation skills and personality.

Below is a list of some helpful tips for men that can help your dating profile get noticed.

Use a good picture

The first thing that people look at in an online dating site is the profile picture. It may seem shallow, but people would want to know someone better if the picture in the profile looks attractive or at least presentable. You should upload your latest picture in your dating profile. This will let people know how you currently look like. Do not use a picture that was taken several years ago or worse, a picture of someone else. Avoid using a topless photo where you are obviously showing off your muscles or you will only look like a douche bag.

Write your profile creatively

Instead of introducing yourself as if you are reading information from your job resume, you should write something a little more creative. Do not just write that you like to work out or you like watching movies. You can write something like “I believe in the saying health is wealth which is why I always exercise whenever I can” or “I love experiencing new things, meeting new people, and going to different places. Watching movies helps me experience all of these.” You should also avoid using a string of positive adjectives to describe yourself or you will look as if you are trying too hard to sell yourself.

Avoid offensive language and content

You should avoid using language or content that can offend other members of the dating site who happen to view your profile. Racist words, attacks against religions, and swearing are offensive to most people. You should also be careful in uploading photos and videos that are offensive in nature. Some people may be okay with this but to be on the safe side, just avoid using them.

Keep it fun and cool

Do not be too serious in your dating profile. Do not say that you are old and are desperately looking for a wife or that you have money and nice cars. This may attract women but not the right ones. Gold diggers and scammers will surely want to know you better if you say that you have a lot of money.  Looking desperate and saying things like “Please don’t ignore me” or “I really need a wife” is a great way to turn off women.


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