How can you pick a fraud and avoid online dating scams?

There are literally thousands of dating sites out there on the internet today with new ones being added daily. Anyone can purchase a effectively pre-built site which is already pre-filled or populated with so called members, many of which will be fraudsters, non existent users, or content scraped from other dating websites with well out of date users and photos, or even Facebook to make a site that is 1 day old seem like a popular and trusted site.

How are you to know which is a trusted and real dating site?  Not that easy. Google the name and check out feedback or do a simple check and see how old the domain name is. Does it have a phone contact? and does that number actually exist? you can all it on Skype for a few cents to verify. Does it have a real address contact details? Are they asking you for money upfront or wanting your credit card details to join as a free user even though they say they will not bill your credit card and only need your details to prove you are over 18? Read the fine print. Chances are you have just agreed to have your card billed every month or three for ever until you cancel, while thinking you have just joined as a free member and have no obligations.  Some make it very difficult to cancel what in your mind is an unauthorized payment, but in clicking the ‘agree with  terms and conditions’ (and lets face it how many of us actually take the time to read…and that’s what they are counting on). Some say you can only cancel using the form provided which of course does not work due to a temporary error (which incidentally lasts for years and has never actually worked of course) or by calling a phone number which immediately disconnects or their voice mail is full, or they just refuse to respond or answer any of your emails asking them to cancel, or any of several reasons which make it impossible for you to cancel…and of course you have already agreed by accepting their terms and conditions that you agreed to let them debit your credit card as they want.

Sometimes the only way to stop this billing is to cancel your credit card and or dispute the charges with your credit card company. Some rogue sites will even charge you a penalty fee if you attempt to do this as you have already agreed to these outrageous terms in their terms and conditions page which you never read, or at best skipped over a month before, which say you agree to pay  an outrageous fee if you dispute the charge or attempt a charge-back or your card company declines for any reason.

Be very wary. My advice to you is to only use a site which has been around for a while.  You also want to ensure you use a large site. Why bother signing up for a smaller site even though it is a few dollars cheaper when they only have a few, one, or even no suitable possible partners in your town at all. You want to have a range to choose from and the more there is the more chance you will have of actually finding a date, a one night stand, a girlfriend, a wife or a kinky sex partner, a threesome, or whatever it is you are seeking. One such site is adultfriendfinder.  It has been around for years and has over 20 million members worldwide so there is a good chance they have someone on their books in your town or city no matter how small or where you live on this planet. It is also free to join with no credit card details needed to sign up. Take a look around for free before you decide whether or not you want to join up. Of course you can’t access everything a paid member can if you don’t pay but you can quickly decide for yourself whether it is worth you joining or not BEFORE you divulge and credit card details whatsoever.

So in conclusion, to help you avoid dating scams join only a popular well known dating site at least to start with so you don’t get ripped off. Once you know your way around then sure look at other sites if you want.

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