How to ask a woman to dance if she is in a group

Just how do I ask a woman to dance when she is in a group without getting shot down in flames?

Its easy, well easy for most of us to be able to go up and ask a woman to dance if she is on her own and maybe if she has one other with her, but what about when there is a group of them all together laughing, drinking and having a good time. Pretty daunting even for the most confident guy to go up to one in a whole group and risk being shot down in front of them all if she says no. Not worth the risk, most of us will agree.

Now most of us are going to make the mistake at least a few times before we give up of asking the best looking one to dance. When she rejects you and say no, you ask the next and then the next. After just the first one the others are going to feel like they are ranked as the 2nd prettiest, the third and the last and is no way they are going to agree unless you are something special and they don’t care what their girlfriends think…or maybe they just really want to dance.

The best way is go up to the whole group. Now feel free to take some dutch courage first but don’t over do it. Just a couple to get your courage up, but not enough to make a complete dick of yourself…plenty of time for that later… Now address the whole group and ask if ‘any’ of them would like to dance. One of them is bound to say yes for whatever reason. Chances are the one you want won’t, but that doesn’t matter at this stage. It gets you in to their group. After a dance or two when you walk her back to her table and her friends you can then hang around and ask if anyone needs a drink or whatever. You can then just mingle your way in and eventually talk to the one who first attracted your desires. Now don’t rush it-you don’t want to appear to be a complete jerk to the one you are ditching. Play it casual and take it as it comes. Maybe she would like a dance and then you have her one on one away from the group, or just pick your moment until you can talk to her.

Sometimes being right up front and being honest works. All depends on how you do it. Sometimes just coming right out and telling her you were too scared to ask her in front of all her friends, but she is really the one you wanted to dance with or to get to know better. Hopefully she is flattered. Pick your moment so the others are occupied with each other and you are not broadcasting it to them all. Doesn’t matter what you say so much, you just have to get into a conversation with her. Read the body language and you will soon see if she might be just interested a little bit or whether you are wasting your time here and move onto the next best looking one in the pack. Often the best looking one will have the personality of a brick so often the one dressed more conservatively that you had not really noticed fully before because of the beautiful sexy  one in her group is actually pretty good looking and really nice.

The secret to scoring- The more girls you actually get to talk to the more chance you have at taking one home or at least getting a phone number.

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