How Do You Find A Man

How do you find a man in today’s fast paced world. Not easy. Well easy to find one but to find the right one that is the problem. There are plenty of men out there that no one wants, and for good reason as you have no debt discovered why by now. There are some real pigs out there. No idea how to treat a woman when dating for the first time let alone how to treat them so they will stay, and come to think of it no idea about hygiene.

Where can I go to meet a decent man? The usual bar scene just produces those who want nothing more than a one night stand or a quick shag in the toilets before moving on to their next target. Where can I go to meet the right type of man. Someone whom I wouldn’t be embarrassed to (eventually) meet my mother. Start, I suggest with a better class of bar and dress a little more tastefully. Don’t come across as slutty. Sure we want the man to notice us but do we ultimately really only want a man who is attracted by those things. Dress conservatively but with a hint of cleavage so you can subtly expose as much or as little by leaning forward should you feel you need to, or to show a little more ‘by accident’ of course to keep his interest up if things don’t seem to be progressing well. You need to attract the man first and almost without exception men are attracted by looks first and personality second, just a we are if we are honest.

Men find it intimidating to approach a group of women, but if its just you and a girlfriend (hopefully a little plainer than you) you will stand a better chance. Make sure he has a chance to approach you when on your own so make sure that opportunity can arise from time to time, whether by going up to the bar or one of you taking a call on her mobile and off to the side a little so he can approach you alone.

Join a sports club. Tennis is excellent for meeting suitable men. A gym is also an excellent place if you have a reasonable body. Flag that idea if not and join a club instead. Wine club, book club. A quiz evening if you are above average intelligence is a good way to meet more intelligent males but often one who just knows a lot about sport and nothing else. A good atmosphere tho with 6-8 of you round a table with a few drinks. Use your imagination. Join any club which is obviously not ladies exclusively. You can often go for one or two sessions for free to see if you like it, don’t be afraid to ask this- almost every club wants new members so should be more than happy to let to attend for free for a couple of sessions in the hope of getting a new paying member. If there are no suitable candidates there then say it isn’t for you and move on. You may find that even if there are no suitable men there that you love it anyway and have just found yourself a new interest. remember you will often find what you are looking for when you least expect it. Who know, you may carry on with the class because you find it interesting and it takes your mind off finding a suitable partner for a couple of hours only to find in two weeks time a new member joins by chance and that man is the man of your dreams.

Remember bars are not the only place to meet men. Just think outside the square.

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