How to Pick Up Women at Night Classes…really? Yes why not? This is the perfect place to meet women. Of course you need to choose a subject in which women in your age group might be interested but there are plenty to choose from generally. Classes need not be expensive, especially ones run by community groups or schools…and hey you might even learn something to boot.
Depending on the class you may even be able to attend one for free to see if you like it. This is perfect as you can see who else is in the class before committing and paying. of course Murphy’s law will always apply here and if there is no one you fancy that night it will be because the most beautiful and your future soul-mate will be sick and not there that night but probably safe to play the percentages game here unless you actually like what the course has to offer. You may be surprised as most often chance meetings are the ones that produce the results. You may find you get an introduction from someone else in the class. The wider circle of contacts and interactions with others you have the more likely you will be at finding that special someone sooner.
Back to the subject at hand. Join the class that has potential and just play it casual. Sit next to a likely prospect if you can. Ask a question or get them to show you something. Keep it casual at all times. You don’t want to come off looking like a predator. Casual conversion as we have said in previous posts will reveal all you need to know about this woman without asking her directly and appearing creepy.
All woman love a man who can make them laugh so try a bit of humor. Not all of us can pull this off, but if you can make her smile you are more than halfway there from the start.
You can always drop out of the class if you don’t progress with any of them, but you may find if you suggest the class goes for a drink afterwards or something that one of their friends who comes later is the one. Once again the more new people you can meet and mix with the more chance you have of meeting the right one. Its not rocket science, this is just a numbers game. Just as you have more chance at winning the lottery if you have more than one ticket, so you have more chance of meeting a suitable partner if you meet more people…Well duh!
So just get out there and do it. Make that decision to sign up for a night class today. If nothing else you will gain some new skills and knowledge that will help you seem more interesting in future.
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