Many if not most of us really know how to successfully ask a girl out. Talking to a woman might be easy (but not for us all as you well know), but almost without exception we all fear being rejected. The only reason we are asking is because we want to have some sort of relationship with her, being just a one night stand, or potential partner, wife, girlfriend or significant other. We need to know a better way to ask a woman out to increase the chances of them saying yes.
You are going to get rejected. It’s a fact of life. Accept it. Accept that fact now. End of. Some of us will get rejected more than others. The more often you ask the better you will get at it and the more chance of success you will have. It’s a numbers game as they say, and its true. The more you ask out the more chance of one or more of them saying yes. It really is as simple as that. So you need to accept the fact that you are going to get rejected right now. Hopefully not by the first one or two or more, but you need to be prepared for rejection. Get your mind around that and you are ready. It will not be the end of the world. Shrug it off and try again, You really have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life. Of course not. So you need to do something about it. Decide to accept rejection is going to happen now.
Don’t concentrate on the fact that you ‘must’ have her, that she is the one and only. Rejection here will be devastating. Go in with an open mind. Sure you ‘want’ to go out with her, but its not a must and not a reason to slit your wrists if she turns you down. To use another cliché there are plenty more fish in the sea. So with this in mind maybe start with a plainer woman. One who is not so used to being hit on all the time and who can have any man she wants. Remember if this woman who is not straight out of the pages of Playboy says yes its not a lifelong commitment and you don’t have to marry the first woman that says yes.
Humour almost always works. Women love men who can make them laugh. We have all seen that ugly guy get the women. Why? Because he makes them laugh. Learn a few jokes, practice being a bit funnier and smile and laugh yourself. A drink or two may help you loosen up here, but don’t overdo it of course. You need to be able to make them laugh.
Most women, again there are exceptions, but these are rare, do not want to hurt your feelings, or to make you look like a dick in front of all her or your friends or both. Most well give you some excuse if they don’t want to go out with you. I have a boyfriend, I am not looking for anything right now, I have just come out of a bad relationship and its too soon, Sorry, but you are not my type, or I have to wash my hair (an old joke there). You will hear them all. Just take it gracefully and move off as soon as practical and try your new skills on another woman. Don’t dwell on it. Chances are when she sees you having success with other ladies she may well regret her initial decision and even ask you out in future, or at least let you know she is available to you.
So prepare yourself to be rejected. You are going to be. But keep right on going and you will have success. It’s a numbers game just like sales. Here you are selling yourself. No salesman, no matter how good, is never going to get every sale he tries for. You are the same. The result is worth it.
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Great on-line dating advice here. How about more dating advice for woman tho. We women also look for dates online you know!
Heya i am for the first time here. I need to find a forgein wife urgently. tell me how
Pretty nice post. good dating stuff here thanks but is all for men
I have found just be honest and just be yourself on your first date. No point faking it as she will find out later. So do not waste your and their time!
I like it when people come together and share ideas.
Great blog, keep it up
just be yourself guys. we are gonna find out after the first date anyways. we are not that stupid