Internet Dating

Internet Dating

Our generation of computer literate individuals are getting away from meeting individuals from their social scene (church, bars and work) and onto computer dating. The problem with meeting people from these areas is that you already know their history or their family which can be good and bad depending on your opinion. You may encounter family interference if you live close to their family. You may encounter problems at work if you work with them or you may even be subject to being fired from dating a co-worker. Computer dating feels safer and more mysterious which piques our appetites.

We have various online services to choose from and some of us try our hands at more than one service. You have adultfriendfinder, E-harmony,, and various other sites just to name a few. Almost everyone has a computer know just like everyone has a television set or a telephone.

You enter your personal information into the dating web site and they try to match you up with a person who would be compatible with you. If you don’t like the matches that they send to you, all you have to do is go in and change a few of your choices and you get a different set of matches.

You also enter an estimate of how far from your home/work that you want to look for a partner. The danger in internet dating is that some individuals go on-line and say they live in your area, get you to start writing to them, im them, and then try to get money out of you. The internet is full of these fraudulent schemes. You also may be matched with individuals who live so far away that you can not check to see if they are single, married or cohabitating with someone.

If you request a meeting with an individual from your on-line dating in your area, be sure it is in a public location and treat your first date like a job interview. You then can check the person’s references out before you decide on another date. Some couples have gone on to find a compatible partner but just as many have not.

If you just want to write to someone as a pen pal, just be sure you don’t tell them too much about yourself. Stalkers come in all shapes and forms. Some of the worst serial killers were the best looking individuals. Keep your secrets until you know your pen pal better.

Internet dating can be fun but realize it can be dangerous too.

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