Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 5
There are many red flags or signs that the person you are dealing with is not who they claim to be and that there is a potential scam in process as we have already mentioned, the object of which as always is to get money from you one way or another. Not all beautiful women on foreign dating sites are scammers of course, but many are and you need to be aware of the traps. Generally the more beautiful she is and the better quality the photos are, the more chance of a scam.
Sure, your new soon to be bride may have paid for a professional photo shoot that makes her look and pose like a model, but the chances of this are pretty remote, I am sure you would agree in hindsight.
It seems not too many people are aware, but just like being able to search for any text or phrase on the entire internet using google, you can also do almost the same thing with images and photos, by going to (no period after the com of course). You can and probably already have save her photos to your computer. If not right lick on them and save as somewhere and you can just drag and drop these one at a time onto the mentioned search site. Google will quickly search all its trawled images for the same image. Depending on the nature of the image it will often bring up matches which are not the same, but you will be surprised at where these exact same images have been found previously on the net. Click on the links given and you will see where there images were found. Take a look. Chances are you will find that the same photo matches several different profiles of a similar aged woman, but in a different country or city and a slightly different age, different profession or whatever. You may even often find a link to a genuine facebook account and trolling through the photos of that innocent unsuspecting facebook user find all the photos that you have been sent by your Svetlana or Elena or Ludmilla. Yes, that’s right, your scammer has just stolen and saved photos from some random beautiful woman who is not aware that her identity has been stolen.
You may find the same photo is used on a few different foreign dating sites with similar details and sometimes even the same fake email address. Take a look at the photos you have now. This could save you your time and money here.
As mentioned in previous posts, also check the same and date of the images. Often the date will be the date you downloaded them, but maybe not are they are more than a few years old when the letter says otherwise. Look for something in the background that may give you a hint too. Usually they are not that stupid but we have seen a photo of someone supposedly living in the Ukraine and that its supposed to be outside her apartment when something in the background you recognise as in the US.
The name of the photo is also important. Is it called Elena posing, or her full name, or just Elena 1 or something. Ask yourself why would your beautiful Elena label a photo of herself with her own name, and label it in English! These are dead give-aways and these scammers are too thick to realise. Of course the photos are labelled in such as way as they can easily find and use them as they have a few different identity dating scams running at the same time.
Take a look at the photos you have now to be sure you are not being scammed. If you haven’t started yet, then this is the first thing I would look at when you get sent a photo of your prospective bride.
More red flags to look out for next week.
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