Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 6

Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 6

Scams, scams and outright scam dating sites. They do exist!. Websites set up purely to scam your money with no intention, desire or capability for anyone to actually find a potential wipe. Websites designed purely to get as much money from you as they can before you finally realise they are just out and out scamming you.

How do they work? You probably saw their ad somewhere and clicked on it. They run affiliate schemes where they pay web owners and other internet marketers a percentage or usually a one-off finders fee for every sucker that signs up through their affiliate link. There are banner ads everywhere. Of course it is free to join…that’s the only free bit. You take a look at the site and there are many beautiful women’s profiles on there, mostly younger but that is what you want eh. You don’t realise that all the photos are glamour model type shots. They look amazing. So many beautiful young woman there you get excited at the prospect of one or even more of them taking a fancy to you and becoming the next Mrs (your name here). You don’t stop to think that how could all these woman afford to all have these professionally done make-up, clothes and glamour shots. They look stunning and you are excited at the possibilities.

Anyway it seems you can contact one of these beautiful women for free using a credit which it seems that you got with your free sign-up so you are not too worried, so you fill out your profile and flick off a quick message to the most beautiful one there with no kids and not too many decades younger than you. It asks you if you want to use your free credit so of course you do. It doesn’t need your credit card or anything…at this stage.

The next day, surprise, surprise you have a reply from this beauty. Wow, that was quick, but you are excited so immediately click on the link and login back on the site. But, damn, it appears your one free credit was used to send your first email so now you need to buy some credit to open the email. You can see their reply is there but just can’t get to it to read it. You can see her photo and the subject. Now this is where it all starts. Of course you can buy one, three or just a few credits but its way cheaper per credit to buy more…and you are going to use them all eventually corresponding with your dream girl or moving on to another if this one doesn’t work out, after all there are so many of them to choose from, what could go wrong? So you bite the bullet and stump up for the 100 credits which seems to give the best value for money. That should last you for several months, right?

Now you can read the message. Sounds good. Her English seems pretty good, better than expected maybe. She tells you a bit about herself and asks one or two things about you. All seems genuine. No mention at all about money so all seems legitimate. You fire off a reply and are pretty excited so far.

Next day you have several emails from other gorgeous woman, many of whom are way younger than your indicated range when you set-up your profile, but that’s OK you are flattered that they have an interest in a much older man. The kicker is, without even opening all, or any, of these messages (sure you opened a couple as you have plenty of credit) somehow your credits have gone down. You probably didn’t even notice your credits situation until you go to reply to your original prospect who has written to you again and suddenly when you go to send your reply the system tells you that you have used up all your credits. This can’t be right, I should have at least 90 left. You fire off an email or complaint form, but aren’t too worried yet as it will be sorted, especially when you got a nice courteous reply back saying that it has been forwarded to their accounts department and they will look into it. You might even buy a few more credits so you can reply to your beloved while you wait, as you know they will sort out and refund the credits you haven’t used yet.

….continued next week.

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