How Do I Know She is in to Me?

How do I know that she is in to me? You don’t! Yeah seriously, you won’t know for sure, but take heart there are some tell-tale signs that will give you a good idea. A few, and trust me a very few, will come straight out and let you know, but most like us are shy too and fear rejection.

So you are going to have to read the signs to tell unless she has already dropped to her knees if you know what I mean. Is she leaning in when talking to you? This is a good sign. Does the conversation flow? Most women are far more talkative than us anyway, but the conversation must flow. If she is giving just yes or no answers, it’s not looking good for you I am afraid….and especially if most of those are no’s. You will soon learn that you need to change your questions so that they can’t just answer yes or no but that will be a post on its own soon and the techniques.

Does she touch you a little more than she should, or that you would normally expect from your female friends. Some woman are more touchy feely than others and it may just be their nature and you will soon see from her reaction with other guys to not count too much on this sign, but for the majority this will be a good indication on its own. Just a touch on the hand or the thigh when you say something funny or when she gets up to go to powder her nose. More touch than you would reasonably expect from a female is a great sign. If this is happening to you then congratulations, she likes you.

Does she laugh a little too much? Something that you said that was just a little lame and not really that funny. Maybe she just has a weird sense of humour but it is yet another sign that she is in to you.

Flicking her hair back, especially when looking at you is another sign although often this is reserved when you are a little further apart and sneaking glances at each other across the table or across the room.

Is she looking at you when talking or is she looking around the room. If the later its time to move on if it is happening more than a few times. For sure she is not into you if she is texting while talking to you- unless she is very young as this seems to be becoming the norm with teenagers, but as yet is almost certainly not a good sign.

The conversation should flow naturally and lead from one topic to another without really knowing how it got there. The time should fly by. If it doesn’t then this one is not going to work out. Just as you have to be in to them, they must be somewhat in to you for it to work. Sure there are exceptions and you can win a girl over who has no interest in you or even dislikes you at the start, but I would have to say this is the exception rather than the rule. If she is worth it then keep going but be prepared to spend a lot of time and money to get nowhere. Better to move on unless you really must have this one.

The more you date, the better you will get at picking up on the subtle signs that she is in to you. You get to know, almost by instinct after a while. Trust your instincts. Intuition is not just for the females you know. You will be right more than wrong trusting in them.

What’s the worst that can happen if you get it wrong anyway? So it turns out she is not into you. Brush yourself off and move on. There is someone out there for every one. They might just take a while to find.


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7 Responses to How Do I Know She is in to Me?

  1. coutney says:

    Any nice men on this dating site?

  2. bert says:

    Trust me…if she keeps flicking her hair back while looking at you, she is into you!

  3. lillian says:

    Ha ha. All a girls secrets revealed in one post

  4. mikki says:

    More articles on this please. Good advice here

  5. joann says:

    I really enjoy reading your blog and I always look forward to your
    new updates. How about doing updates more often and maybe more for women… We look for dates to you know!

  6. p says:

    yahooooooo. I got my first real serious girlfriend thanks to all the great dating advice here. Thank you so much guys. You rock!!

  7. denise says:

    You can easily tell by the body language if a woman is interested in you or not. Just look for the signs. If you don’t know them, then google it

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