Is Life for Dating Singles in New York Fun or Difficult?

Is Life for Dating Singles in New York Fun or Difficult?

New York City is home to millions of creative singles. Dating in New York is notoriously competitive, and there are a number of options available to you. You could try the online route, setting up a profile on a site such as,, adultfriendfinder, or (Date is for Jewish singles; the other two services are general audience, or more ‘adult’ dating sites.)

Aside from dating web sites, there are a number of clubs and lounges known for having a vibrant singles scene. Try Happy Ending on the Lower East Side-there are a lot of attractive singles there. Also try some of the bars along St. Mark’s Place, near the Astor Place 6 train subway stop. Your best bet is Thursday or Friday night.

You can also try meeting people through your classes, work parties, or elsewhere. Getting a date from class is as simple as asking someone out-the worst that can happen is they turn you down because they already are in a relationship or aren’t looking to date right now.

In New York, especially, it is important to display a lot of confidence and to go for what you want. Many New York singles have high-impact jobs and make a lot of money, so unless you are rich or famous it is crucial to differentiate yourself by being confident, funny, and intriguing to be around.

I have never dated someone on the basis of whether they have money or not, but I do care a lot about personality-if you are shy, take a class in public self-confidence or read some articles online about how to boost your confidence around others.

Also wear clothes that will make you stand out: when I was single, I would frequently wear nice button-down shirts that attracted attention from women without seeming too “flashy” or desperate.

Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, gay or straight, you can benefit from clothes that draw attention and create conversation.

Also, if you meet someone you are attracted to, be sure to get their contact information (phone or email) before you leave them at the bar to go back to friends or to head elsewhere. This is crucial because your odds of ever meeting them again “by chance” are slim to none in a big city like Manhattan.

Don’t be one of those sad singles who is forced to post “missed connections” ads in the local newspaper or on Craigslist-be assertive and ask for someone’s phone number when you want it. You would be surprised how many intelligent and hot people in the city are single and enthusiastic about meeting other singles.

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