Your Online Dating Profile

Dating ProfileHow do you get more views to your online dating profile? Your online dating profile needs care and consideration if you are going to get the response you expect or deserve. You are paying to have it on the site in most cases, or paying to be a member so its worth taking the time to get it right. Just a simple change can increase your response rate by several hundred percent.

The most important aspect of your profile is your photo. Sites will have wide criteria but generally they will accept anything that is reasonable. Dress reasonably or at least a decent shirt as it is usually just a head and shoulders shot….It won’t matter if you you have pants on or not… Although make sure there is no mirror in the background 😉 Resist the urge to use your passport photos as these always make you look like a criminal, unless you are one of the fortunate whose passport photo actually looks like you normally do. Try to show one with a smile. Wear a suit and tie if you often wear one but otherwise just smart casual.

Resists the urge to use a photo of you and your ex unless you are very good with Photoshop and get rid rid of any hint of another person there. I had one photo I used with just a hint of long blonde hair beside me. Without exception, all the woman who corresponded with me on this site mentioned it asking who was the blonde in the photo. Woman are very perceptive, so just don’t.

Get a mate to take a heap of photos if you can and choose the best ones. Digital cameras cost nothing to take 20-30 and you are bound to get one great one from that many. Having someone take a photo for you is better than a selfie in the mirror but often you won’t want your mates to know you are on a dating site so a selfie is better than nothing.

Try and have a plain background. A plain light coloured wall is fine. You sure don’t want a mess to be seen in the background or worse still a picture of your ex still on the messy cabinet beside your unmade bed.

Many woman will pay to get a semi professional photo shoot done so they look amazing… You will find these when you meet up and that they really look nothing like their photo. You don’t need to pay unless you have plenty to spare. Woman are generally not as shallow as us and and long as you are not downright ugly or haven’t shaved for the weekend and still obviously hung over and bloodshot eyes, the real you will be just fine.

Don’t have your mother or your kids in the photo, and try not to have a mate there as well… They may fancy him more.

Don’t use an old photo. There is no point putting one up from ten years ago. You may get more responses but they are not going to go beyond the first meeting unless you really have something else going for you like a few million in the bank. There is a good chance that the lady’s photo is more than a few years old. If her age says 50 but the photo looks like she is 35 then there is an almost certain chance that its not just that she has aged very well, believe me.

So, take the time to put up a nice photo of yourself. It is well worth the small effort I can assure you. Don’t be tempted to just throw up the best one you can find on your phone. It won’t do you any favours to improve your online dating profile that is for sure.

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