Online Dating Tips that Will Keep You Safe

Online Dating Tips that Will Keep You Safe

So you have made the choice to start meeting people to date online. Before you get started there are a few things that you should know. Although the person you have met online may seem great and trustworthy this may not always be the case. Many times the people that you meet over the net may not always share the entire truth about themselves with you.

The person you are considering dating online could be also be using a picture of someone else, or an older picture when they were younger or in better physical shape. The person may have even lied about their real age, how much money they have, and their occupation. So it is a good idea to be cautious if you are thinking of dating someone online. The fact of the matter is online, everyone lies about themselves just a bit.

When it comes to the Internet, looks aren’t as important as personality but this also can make online dating risky. If you can’t hear or listen to the person, it will be harder for you to detect whether the person you are talking to is indeed being honest.

You should also avoid giving out personal information about yourself to people you have just met online. Never give out your home or work address or phone number to the person you are interested in dating online. You should use a proven Internet dating service that keeps all of your personal information private. You do not want your online dating interest to become your online dating stalker. These steps will help prevent that.

If you take things slowly with your new love interest and they are being dishonest about something, it will be very difficult for the person to be consistent with everything they claim. Keep track of the email messages or chats that you have, and compare notes to see if everything checks out. If you discover information that happens to conflict with the persons claims, it could be a clear indication that they are lying.
Talk to your friends and see what they think about your romantic interest’s behavior. Your friends will always look out for you, and will give you the best advice on whether it’s a good idea to proceed with the relationship.

You should always be honest about yourself from the beginning as well. You could actually find out that you like the person you have met, and if they find out you have been lying it could end the relationship before it got started. Honesty is the best policy.

After getting more comfortable with the person you have been chatting with, you may want to take the next step, talking on the phone. For your first phone conversation you should block your caller ID for that call ( your phone provider can advise or just google it if you don’t know how or can’t find the option on your smartphone easily). If you like what you hear and you detect honesty than you can give them your phone number, but remember when it comes to dating online safety should always be your first concern. If things don’t work out you can always fall back on caller ID to avoid their phone calls. If you suddenly start getting increasing calls from a “private name” it is most likely your Internet love interest, and you can just not answer the phone

If you are ready to finally have that first real date, make sure you have it in a public place. Make sure to invite a friend along with you. Even though you have been chatting and talking to your date and they may seem nice, you still don’t really know the person you are dating.

If when you first see the person, they are not exactly what they claimed to be on the Internet you should end the relationship right away. If the person has not been honest about the things they told you online there could me many things they have not been honest with you about.

If you meet the person and everything seems to be fine and you have fun, you may have picked a winner and hopefully will have a long fun and enjoyable relationship!

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