Pick up a woman on the beach

How do I pick up a woman on the beach?

The beach is an excellent place to find the woman with a perfect body. With the size of bikinis these days you certainly can see what you are likely to be getting. There isn’t much room to hide any defects and you can see straight away if she has an tattoos or scars that might have put you off if you had met her in a club and found out later.

At the beach you can really see what you are getting- if the boobs are real or fake, how big they are and of course what her whole body is like. Now of course the downside is she can also see much of you. If you have a great body that any man would be proud of then not a problem and this will certainly play in your favor at picking up a woman on the beach. However if you are like many of us whose body could lose a few pounds and better off spending some time at the gym than the bar then maybe keep a casual lose fitting shirt on and some longer shorts. It will certainly help if you too have a hot bod but the game is not over if you don’t… you just have to rely on something else to get her number.

How do I make the approach?

Have a radio and setup near her. After turning it on, not too loud as to annoy, ask her what station she would recommend or would like. Basically say anything just to start a conversation. Friendly chat, don’t leap right in there and tell her you want her to have your baby!

Throw a ball with your mate a little close so you have to go and get it and can apologize as an opener.

If your are on your own then ask her if she would mind putting sunscreen on your back. Pull out your own of course so its visible in your hand as you ask. You can still do this is there are more than one of them and she is not on her own. Once again don’t single one out, but ask if ‘one of you ladies would mind rubbing some of this sunscreen on my back please’. Afterwards you can always offer to do the same for her but this may well come across as creepy so only if the signals are there or maybe flippantly offer to do it anytime with a smile so everybody knows.

Ask them what the water is like, where is the best place to swim, does she have the time…anything. You just have to initiate a conversation. It really does not matter what you ask, you just need to start it. You will soon know from her responses and body language if you have a chance or whether you should politely move on without delay. Don’t be discouraged though. Sometimes a woman will not appear to be too interested at first especially when she was reading a great book and you just interrupted her in the middle of a great chapter, but she may find you interesting after a few minutes of idle chit chat…especially when you mention yours is the large beach-house right over there or that she should come out on your boat later if she has nothing better to do. Those of you without the means will have to rely on your looks, your wit and or your sense of humor. Woman, more than anything else, like a man who can make her laugh.

Don’t give up. If at first you don’t succeed, and you probably won’t, try again. The past does not dictate the future. Just because you failed twice in a row does not mean the next won’t fall madly in love with you.

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