Single Parent On-Line Dating Sites

Single Parent On-Line Dating Sites

Even though I have been single again for almost four years, I am discovering how hard it is to meet that special someone. It is especially hard when all of your friends are married or, at least, attached. I keep hoping maybe I’ll meet someone because of my children’s activities but no such luck yet.

When I first hooked up to the Internet, I signed up for AmericanSingles. At that time it was free to join, and I was able to chat with men from all over the United States. Your profile is detailed and gives the searcher a good idea as to the kind of a person you seek. However, now the web site charges around $25-30 a month, which is okay if you can afford it. You can still post your profile for free. You just will not able to contact anyone or reply to messages.

The only site I found that caters to single parents is SingleParentMeet. Like a couple of the other sites, it began as a free site, but they began charging a small monthly fee of $10, a very reasonable fee. However, the profile is not very detailed.

Yahoo personals were free as well in the beginning. Their profile was not as detailed as AmericanSingles so it left a little to be desired. It does charge around $20-25 a month.

EHarmony was okay, but again the money was an issue with me. It is very pricey — $60 a month unless you sign up for more than a month. I went through the questionnaire just to check it out, and I must say whoever created it is very thorough. If you want to make sure you get exactly the person you are looking for and have the money, then this is the site for you.

Dr. Phil raves about in his famous commercials so I tried that site out as well. You may post a profile for free, but if you want to communicate with anyone you pay around $25 a month. Before paying the fee, you can try it out for free, a three-day trial offer. This site was not a top one for me since I only had that one man contact me in the two or three months I was on there. However, they do have a guarantee that if you don’t meet someone in six months the next six months is free. That might make it worthwhile to check out.

Singlesnet is a free site in which you can flirt with the gold members, or those who pay. You will have to pay if you wish to make contact with someone of interest, but I have found that I can look at someone and even send a flirt, and if he is interested, he will contact you. As long as he initiates the contact, you can communicate with him. It works pretty well if you ask me.

Another site similar to Singlesnet is Matchlink. This site offers an instant message feature as well so, again, as long as he initiates contact, then you don’t have to pay. It will also send you matches of those the system thinks you might be interested in contacting.

MySpace is a totally free site where you can meet all kinds of people for various reasons, not just dating. MySpace is free, and I use it not only for dating purposes but to meet people and hopefully make some business contacts as well.

Even though I haven’t met my true Mr. Right yet through any of these sites, I certainly hope I have been helpful with my suggestions. Someone once told me, “You’ll find him when you least expect it.” I certainly hope she is right.

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