How do I spot a scam profile on a dating site? Of course there is no one hundred percent way to be sure that a profile is not for real, but there are certainly some red flags that will build a picture very quickly of profiles to be avoided and ignored. Below are some of them. If the profile has more than one of these red flags then you can be pretty sure it is fake (and arguably just one of these, but typically scammers and fraudsters will have more than one).
This is written about female profiles but of course there are also many and in fact an increasing number of vulnerable women scammed on dating sites so theses red flags still apply.
Does the photo(s) look too professional? Do they look like a model in a magazine? The poses, the lighting , the background. Most real photos are going to be selfies or taken by a friend probably with a cell phone. Of course there are exceptions and a serious woman looking for a man may pay for a professional shoot (some dating sites suggest this and get a cut on these services), or she may in fact, be, or have been a model and have these professional photos already. It is very easy to see if her photo exists elsewhere on the internet and with another persons name. Just copy the photo, go to and paste it in the search bar. Google will search and if the image appears pretty much anywhere else on the Internet it will show you. Even if the profile is not fake it will show you other dating sites that she may be listed on or maybe even her Facebook profile where you can check her out further.
Does she look too gorgeous? Big red flag
Does her profile not fit in with the photo? Ok she may have died her hair, but height is a little more difficult to change. Maybe its a typo but typically woman will make sure they have selected the correct figures- especially their age and weight…and usually on the lower side of what they really are
Does she make the first contact?
Does the reply come back too fast?
Does she fall in love with you after just a couple of emails?
Does she not seem to answer your questions? You are more than likely just getting copy and paste replies that she, or he of course…remember that, is just sending to dozens of other suckers.
Does she contradict herself? Read the emails thoroughly. Fraudsters are not often the brightest and too busy dealing with dozens of other suckers at the same time so easy to slip up. Remember to take a step back and read it from a neutral point of view.
Does she sound too good to be true? As the saying goes, then she probably is.
Scammers are getting smarter. You would think that if she makes the suggestion to chat on Skype that she has to be real, right? Of course, but then you will find excuses to actually go through with it… I am at work, I don’t have a camera on my computer, My internet is not working. All manner of plausible excuses. You may even connect and just get a short grainy video clip of her smiling and waving at you that found on the internet. You are thinking that if she suggests skype then she has to be real, so your guard is down. Smart thinking by them.
And of course lastly, is she asking for money? Now this may be a small amount for any reason. Trust me once you have sent any amount you will get more attention and you are flagged as an easy mark and they will keep going and going until you have nothing left. Has she suddenly lost her job, had an accident, hit by a car, mugged, sick relative, relative needs an urgent operation, airline tickets to see you? The list is endless. Do not send money, EVER. Remember this is someone you have never met and you are going to send money to them?
Don’t be embarrassed. Just stop and move on. We have all been conned sometime one way or another. Lonely, vulnerable men and the nature of internet make it easier.
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Please write some posts for us females. Most seem to be for males. Us females are also out there looking for love you know!