Ways To Ask A Out A Girl

It’s not just you. Most of us men find it hard to ask a girl out. However, if you don’t want to remain single all your life and die a virgin, then men don’t have a choice but to make the first move and ask a girl out. Typically you need to be well above average looking of simply ooze cash to get asked out by the woman.

The first time is the hardest. From there it gets easier. Get your head around the fact that from day one you need to expect rejections sometime. Some may even be harsh. It’s going to happen. Just accept that now. It’s a numbers game, the more girls you ask out, the more will say yes. But again accept the fact that you are going to get knocked back from time to time, or maybe even very often. Accept that and you are ready. Carry on as you are, too scared or timid to ask a girl out and life will continue as it has been and you will never get the girl of your dreams.

You don’t need great pickup lines, you don’t need to be funny, dress immaculately and look like Brad Pitt. You just need to try and appear confident. Note I didn’t say arrogant. Just ooze a little confidence and assertiveness. Fake it until you make it, as the saying goes. And the more you fake it, the more confident you will actually get. OK, so just go up to her and introduce yourself. Usually she will respond with her first name, but if not, things aren’t going too well, but don’t give up just yet. Women are wary of giving out too much information to someone they don’t know. If she is good looking compliment her. Otherwise compliment anything or just make small talk. Listen to what she says and respond appropriately. Remember we are just striking up a conversation here, not launching straight into ‘will you have my babies”.

Humour is great, but nothing crass, rude or something which may offend. Don’t come off as a complete jerk from the get go.

Depending on how the conversation goes, will give you a good idea of whether she is likely to accept your offer. If her answers are all yes or no and she is clearly not wanting to be in the conversation, but is she is responding well and making conversation then all good so far and you can ask her for her contact details. If not then politely excuse yourself and go and introduce yourself to another. Mobile phone number is best, everybody has one. Maybe we can swap numbers?

When you do call, about a week later (don’t be too eager and call her the next day…that just appears desperate), remember that she may well not remember you, so again introduce yourself when you call, and remind her that you meet a Bills bar on Main late last week or whatever, and would she like to (suggest something here), or perhaps she may rather do an alternative. Give her a choice rather than something that only requires a yes/no answer… Maybe would you rather go xxx, or yyyy. The answer still has to have a good outcome for you.

Good luck out there. Remember just go for it.


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