I’m often asked what is the best place to pickup women. There is no best place. There are however many best places. And by that I mean just about anywhere: the grocery store, the supermarket, on the train or the bus, waiting in line at MacDonalds, in fact just about everywhere. Even church if you are that way inclined, but perhaps not until after the sermon. Picking up women and is not just limited to bars and nightclubs. You can pick up women anywhere. You just need to look around you and there are pretty women everywhere. You have little or no competetion either like you will in a ‘normal’ pickup joint like a bar or nightclub where you are competing against every man and his dog for the attractive ladies.
So, how do I pick them up in the street, the park or at the supermarket? You just need to start a conversation. Asking about the book she’s reading, something about the phone she has just finished using, comment on a particular item of her clothing, or shoes….women love their shoes, her hair, her glasses, infact anything, just to get a response and maybe start a conversation. All we are trying to do is start a conversation and to see how she responds and hopefully if it is looking promising and she hasn’t said ‘piss off loser’ or words to that affect, then you can then ask her for a coffee, her phone number or whatever. Here’s a little trick if you’re asking for a phone number, read it back to her incorrectly. If she corrects it then its for real, if not then move on as she is obviously not interested… Or maybe she was just dyslexic, but you will never know.
It doesn’t matter where. You just need to get up the courage to talk to the girl. Nothing more. You will get better and better with practice. Its scary stuff I know. Maybe start by talking to unattractive girls. They are way less likely to tell you to get lost, but hey of course there are some exceptions and some unattracive women can have the worst personality. Don’t take any rejection to heart. They are not all like that and in fact almost none will tell you to get lost to your face, or even be just the littlest bit rude to you. Just start a coversation and talk. Talk about anything. A penny to a pound she will do most of the talking anyways, you just need to pluck up the courage to make the first move and let it flow from there. You will soon see from her body language if she is the least bit interested or not. The woworst that can happen is you make her day and you get told to get lost.
Anywhere is good to pick up women. Increase the chances by frequenting places that women go like the supermarket, or join an evening class. Best ratio of men to woman is enrol in a learning to dance class. There is a very good change you are the only guy there and no competition at all to contend with. Just go out and try. You have nothing to lose and unless you want tomorrow night to be just like tonight and the night before that, then take the chance and talk to women.
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Dance class is a great idea