Writing a profile that makes you stand out and sure to get a flood of responses. part 2
Happy New Year to everyone. We are back with our weekly tips after a few weeks holiday. We hope your dating and quest in finding that partner you deserve is going well.
So we covered already having a good photo on your profile, and the reasons for that. Naturally enough you also need a decent description and text to get anyone interested in contacting you.
All the tips you read, or that we have come across pretty much all say the same things. Most of it is or should be common sense, but you can pick up some genuine good tips by reading what you can find by a simple Google search. As mentioned, most are common sense when you think about it, but sometimes of course we don’t stop to think about it.
Take a look through a few profiles and you will see what everyone else is doing. This is what is expected and will be fine to get some responses and invitations to correspond through one medium or another further. However, we strongly believe that rather than do what everyone else does, to stand out you should be different, and way different. For example, saying you live with your mum will generally peek a girls interest to at least open your profile. No one in their right mind says this even if they do, but it will get woman clicking on your profile. You can then explain and say just kidding and tell the real story, but at least you have captured her attention. The rest is then up to you.
So, try someone way out there and different. If it totally doesn’t work you can always change most if not all of the text later. Try and remember that if it is a foreign dating site or you are expecting or wanting foreign women to contact you, then they might not get the humor exactly as it was intended in their translation, so this is always a risk, but if you take our previous advice of writing simple short sentences then this still shouldn’t be an issue.
So do something that no one else is doing and see what happens. In our opinion you need to stand out from the crowd. I remember whenever we advertised a position, we would get literally hundreds of applications and generally they were all similar and it was a chore to go through them all, but every now and then one would arrive which was completely different than all the rest and this certainly stood out and got our attention. More often than not they got an interview and often the job.
Good luck out there on finding that woman of your dreams.
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Très bon poste : j’en parlerai ce soir avec des amis
Just be honest in your profile. End of. It ain’t rocket science guys.
Great tips here. I agree- your dating profile needs to stand out from the hundreds of others somehow, either by being funny, outrageous or clearly genuine and honest…maybe a mixture of all three??
Do you recommend using humor in my dating profile or best not?
Excellent dating advice here. Please tell me more about writing a great dating profile. How many photos should I upload?
Guys, you need to write something that catches a girls eye. Don’t be boring like all the rest!
Just be honest guys. You think we are stupid. No matter what you right in your profile we are gonna find out the truth on the first date.
Please can we have more tips on how to make my profile stand out. Getting the same old spam responses only to mine, and nutters
Great tips. I tried to step up my game with a couple of your suggestions and have got contact requests from a couple of women, the type that I never have before. Nice. Please write more.
can you give us some more tips
thank you for the useful tips. i will try yhem
Should I put that I was once married on a dating site?
Ladies, just post a sexy revealing photo. That is all you need to get haords of men asking you out
Guys, to get our attention try and be funny. Won’t work with us all, but you don’t want those boring types anyways eh?!?!
Guys the key to scoring is to write a killer profile. Worked for me. Take a look at other profiles. Most are shit, but take note of the ones that stand out to you and make yours similar…and yes it is weird af looking at other guys profiles!
These dating tips work. How bout you write another article on similar subject soon.
Thanks for the dating profile tips. Changing my profile as has been suggested here sent my results from a few loser responses to several that sound like I would like to meet them and all within a few days of making the changes.TY.
Guys, just be honest. And a little humour can help but run it by a female friend first to be sure it does not come across as creepy
please tell us some more tips
Don’t forget it is not only guys that read this dating blog. How about some dating tips for us ladies!
Good advise here thankx
Please give us more dating advice. I am an older person dating again after many years
do not lie in your profile. end of
thanks. I am going to give this a try. Wish me luck guys
I tried a couple of your tips. Improved my reply rate.
Excellent post. Thank you and best of luck. Please give some more examples to stand out.
no point in lyin in ya profile and you will eventually be caught out. Don’t even bother lying about your age in my opinion
Keep it short but you need something to grab our attention. The words Porsche or Lambourgini always grabs mine right away 😉
I tried what you said here and it has improved my response rate almost overnight. thnkyou
You need to have a good profile pic…and please not one with your exes arm still around you
This info is worth everyone’s attention. When can I find out more?
Tips here are great but I am worried every hot bloodied male who reads them is usuing them. Can you PM me a few new ones before you post them here to give me a head start
Some of ya dating tips are good. Have any more?
Not rocket science. Just ask yourself what would you like to hear or read when looking for a potential partner. Having said that please give us more dating tips..sometimes us males don’t think of the obvious even when it is staring us right in the face
Can you give us more dating tips please. Some seem like a good idea and I need a result
I get what the author means. It was an extremly interesting read.