Your third Ukrainian date. So you have survived through the first two dates so far OK. She seems into you. You have not scared her off even after the photos you sent her were not exactly in the last few years…chances are the ones she sent you were not taken yesterday either.
The language barrier is a bit of the problem, but remember her English will improve with practice. With the various translation apps that are out there and for free these days, you can resort to those if there really is something your or she cannot understand even with wild hand gestures. With these apps you can even dictate to and they will translate and play what you said back in Russian, and vice versa.
But apart from the language barrier and the culture shock of her country… remember she will also expierence quite a culture difference when she arrives in your country, things are progressing well, but there is some sort of urgency as you do not have long in her country before you have to leave. Chances are she will want you to meet her family and expierence a home cooked traditional meal. Of course her parents won’t speak a word of English but any younger siblings she has will almost certainly have a pretty good understanding. Remember there is a good chance that she lives with her parents or another family member.
Always arrive, as we have said before, with a small gift for your lady, but in this case you should also bring a little something for her mother and other family members if they will be present. Again it need not be much, but make sure you bring something…especially if you want the mother’s blessing to take her daughter from her to a far-away country. You will be made to feel very welcome and make sure you don’t have anything to eat for a few hours beforehand as you will certainly be expected to eat well and there will be plenty on offer, and repeatedly offered to you, and you do not want to offend. They will have gone to a lot of trouble just for you to prepare a variety of home made dishes.
Most apartments will be rather small by our standards and don’t worry that the outside of the building looks a little dated, and the stairwells and entrance will look like third world. As soon as you enter the actual apartment itself you will be pleasantly surprised at how nice and clean and perhaps modern looking everything is. They may not have a lot of money but they like a neat, tidy and clean apartment. Depending on the time of year you chose to visit, no matter how cold it is outside, the apartments are always lovely and warm inside with central heating provided in all the apartment complexes.
Your job on this date is to impress the family. Eat everything that is put in front of you. Trust me, you will love it anyway, and smile a lot. Make sure you thank the hosts at the end. Your date can translate for you, or as mentioned if she has teenager siblings then they will love to translate for you, but of course their English will not be perfect either, so be patient and maybe need to use different words or prhases if it seems they do not fully understand what it is you are trying to say. Avoid using slang and phrases specific to your country…we do it naturally without realising it of course, as everybody understands us back home, but even if their English is very good, they won’t have learnt slang.
So thank them for the meal. Maybe go for a walk afterwards just with your lady, and hopefully setup a time to meet the next day for your next date.
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